The College provides two hostels for the residence of male students : (1) New Hostel-48 seats, (2) Balabhadra Narayan Hostel-33 seats

[The Balabhadra Narayan Hostel is named after the late Rajah of keonjhar state, who had made a generous donation of Rs. 10,000/- for the construction of the Hostel. The hostel building was completed in the year 1964 and was opened for the boarders.]


A. Admission :

1.a - Admission of students(boys only) in hostels are made along with their admission into 1st year of +2 and +3 classes of the college. Candidate seeking admission into hostels are required to submit their application for the same in the prescribed Application form along with their Application for admission either into 1st year of +2 and +3 course of the college. A student seeking admission in the middle of the session may also submit a separate application with reasons.

1.b - Boarders of the 1st year are usually readmitted to hostel during their 2nd year of +2 and +3 class and again during 3rd year of their +3 class. No fresh admission is provided to 2nd year students of +2 classes and 2nd & 3rd year students of +3 classes, who were not boarders during their 1st year class and the vacant seats of each year are only alloted on merit basis to the 1st year students taking fresh admission in the college.

1.c - When admission into hostel is granted, the student should pay the necessary dues in the college office, and produce the receipt before the Superitendent concerned, who will admit him into the hostel and will allot a seat for that session after receiving an undertaking executed in his front by the parent/guardian and the student to the effect that the boarder shall be abided by the rules and regulations of the hostel.

3. Withdrawal from a hostel requires the sanction of the Principal which will not be ordinarily accorded unless all dues to the hostel have been paid, and the Superitendent gives a clearance certificate to that effect.

4.a - The monthly seat rent of the hostel is collected on half yearly basis in 2 instalments for each session :
i. June to November : 1st Instalment
December to May : 2nd Instalment

4.b - A student becoming boarder during any of the above half yearly period in full or part thereof, he shall have to pay the full seat rent for the said entire half yearly instalments along with other dues if any.

5.a Boarder intending to continue in the hostel to prosecute their study in 2nd year of +2 class/2nd or 3rd year of +3 classes, should apply to the Superitendent before the commencement of the Summer Vacation preceding to the commencement of the proposed session.

5.b He will loose his claim to continue in the hostel, if he is not regular in paying the hostel or college dues/fails to observe the discipline of the hostel or college/disobeys the Superitendent or Principal.

5.c If permitted, he shall deposit the required dues of the hostel in the college counter immediately after reopening of the college after the summer vacation, and produce the receipt before the Superitendent concerned, who will admit him into the hostel and will allot a seat for that session.

6. There is no provision that a student of the +3 class shall be alloted a seat if he was a boarder during his study in +2 class of the college. He has to apply again along with his application for admission into +3 class and his case shall be considered afresh.

7. The dues payble are the admission fee, improvement fee, general breakage/caution money and the monthly seat rent. If a student fails to pay hostel dues in time for the subsequent period, he shall be removed from the hostel and or shall be detained in the same class and/or shall not be sent up to appear at the C.H.S.E/University Examination and or he will not be issued C.L.C/T.C and Conduct Certificate.

8. The hostels are closed during Puja Vacation and Summer Vacation, however a boarder may continue to stay during a vacation under permission of the Superitendent for which he is to submit an application sufficiently beforehand. Boarders are to leave hostel with their all personal articles immediately after their annual examination conducted by the College/C.H.S.E/University towards the end of each session prior to the ensuring summer vacation.

B. Mess :

9. Boarding is private, and is managed by the boarders themselves under the supervision of the Superitendent.

10. An amount of Rs.300/- as Mess Caution Money should be paid in advance to the Superitendent at the time of allotment of a seat in the hostel. The estimated amount of monthly mess charge of the current mmonth, as will be fixed by the Superitendent, should also be paid in advance to him within the first week. Thereafter, in the first week of each succeeding month balance amount against actual expense for the preceding month shall be paid/refunded and at the same time the Superitendent shall also collect advance mess charge for each current month excluding the amount of Rs.300/- as Mess Caution Money, which is adjustable against actual mess expenses of the last month.

11. Every boarder is to pay his mess dues as described above before 7th of every month. The college tuition fee will not be accepted unless a certificate to this effect from the Superitendent is produced at the college counter.

12. Superitendent will not be held responsible for non functioning of the mess for any period, which is beyond his control.

C. Discipline :

13. Roll-call is taken every night at 9.30 p.m. No boarder should be absent from the hostel at the time and after roll-call without permission of the Superitendent. Absence from the hostel without permission constitutes a serious offence. Any boarder attending a private tutorial home, shall intimate the Superitendent through his parent/guardian.

14. No boarder shall interrupt or distrub another in any way in his studies, particularly during the hours fixed for study.

15. No boarder shall change his seat without previous permission of the Superitendent.

16. Before 10 p.m the evening meals must be finished by the boarders.

17. Boarders should in all cases obtain the permission of the Principal before joining or taking part in any association, or meeting outside the college.

18. The calling of meetings or raising of funds for any purpose among boarder must receive the previous approval of the Superitendent.

19. The Superitendent at his discretion may prohibit the introduction of any objectionable reading material into the hostel.

20. The boarders while leaving their respective rooms before the holidays, are required to inform the Superitendent at the time of their departure, and give the charge of the rooms to him.

21. Father and natural male guardian of a boarder may be permitted, with previous sanction of the Superitendent, to stay in the hostel for not more than two days if accomodation is available, provided that their visit is in the intrest of the boarder as a student of the college.

22. The following are alos considered as breach of discipline :

22.a Neglect or study.

22.b Creating disturbances to others and behaving with others in improper manners. Use of filthy and illegal languages.

22.c To damage or using in such a manner that will cause damage of any property of the college and/or unnecessary use of electricity and water supply and use of electric heater, etc.

22.d Spitting about the rooms and verandahs, writing on or disfiguring in any way the walls, doors etc. of the building, creating an unhealthy/unhygienic condition in the surroundings. Boarders should maintain proper cleanness of their rooms and surroundings.

22.e Entertainings friends or relation in the hostel without previous permission of the Superitendent.

22.f Smoking, consumption or possession of any narcotics/alcohol, possession of any weapons, crackers or any other materials except the materials required for study and daily use during stay in the hostel.

22.g Adopting to unhealthy/unhygienic way of living.

22.h In case of any ill health of a boarder or apprehension of any danger or disturbances, the concerned boarder and co-boarders are required to report the same to the Superitendent immediately.

22.i Misconduct of any other description.

23. Boaredes are responsible for the furniture and equipment supplied to them, and required to make good to any damage caused by them.

24. For breach of any of the above rules/discipline, the boarder may be fined up to Rs.50/- and/or may be removed from the hostel and/or with any other punishment as the Principal will deem fit.

25.a The Superitendent is responsible for the maintainance of order and discipline in the hostel under his control, and competent to punish the boarder for breach of discipline with an intimation to the Principal.

25.b The Superitendent will maintain a record of all fines to be deposited in the college counter and other punishments awarded in register kept for the purpose.

25.c The internal management of the hostel rests entirely with the Superitendent.

26. Principal reserves the right to refuse admission or readmission of further continuance of any student in hostel as boarder/remove any or all the boarders from the College Hostels for any period without assigning any reason thereof. Decision of the Principal is final and binding in all respect.